Maca Powder

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Single product € [[prodotto.singolo.prezzo_applicato]] € [[prodotto.singolo.prezzo_intero]] Ultimi rimasti!
Pack (8 pcs. ) € [[prodotto.cartone.prezzo_applicato]]
(€ [[prodotto.cartone.prezzo_pezzo_applicato]]x8)
€ [[prodotto.cartone.prezzo_intero]]
(€ [[prodotto.cartone.prezzo_pezzo_intero]]x8)
Expiring product € [[prodotto.in_scadenza.prezzo_applicato]] € [[prodotto.in_scadenza.prezzo_intero]]
Expiry date: [[prodotto.in_scadenza.data_scadenza]]
Totale: € [[ totale_prodotto ]]

cod : YK36440A / EAN code: 8032454071413 Brand: Sottolestelle Package weight: 200 grammi Origin: No UE Agricolture

A tuberous plant that grows at an altitude of 4000m in the Peruvian Andes. It was used by the inhabitants of these areas as a tonic to boost physical and mental faculties. In fact, with its invigorating properties, it improves the ability to resist stress and fatigue and is therefore invaluable for coping with daily tasks and efforts with more energy. To be added in drinks.

Rich in fiber



The product may contain traces of : Gluten, Sesame seeds, Lupin, Soy.

Nutritional Facts
  • Kcal 453 kcal
  • Kj 1912 kJ
  • Fat 3 g
  • AGS 0 g
  • Carbohydrates 82 g
  • Sugars 0 g
  • Fibre 19 g
  • Proteins 15 g
  • Salt 0 g
  • Manganese 0 g
  • Phosphorus 0 g
  • Magnesium 0 g
  • VB6 0 g
  • Thiamine 0 g

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