Agave Corn Flakes

Purchase options:
Single product € [[prodotto.singolo.prezzo_applicato]] € [[prodotto.singolo.prezzo_intero]] Ultimi rimasti!
Pack (8 pcs. ) € [[prodotto.cartone.prezzo_applicato]]
(€ [[prodotto.cartone.prezzo_pezzo_applicato]]x8)
€ [[prodotto.cartone.prezzo_intero]]
(€ [[prodotto.cartone.prezzo_pezzo_intero]]x8)
Expiring product € [[prodotto.in_scadenza.prezzo_applicato]] € [[prodotto.in_scadenza.prezzo_intero]]
Expiry date: [[prodotto.in_scadenza.data_scadenza]]
Totale: € [[ totale_prodotto ]]

cod : YK36319A / EAN code: 8032454070560 Brand: Sottolestelle Package weight: 275 grammi Origin: UE / No UE Agricolture

Cereal flakes made with maize flour, sweetened with agave syrup so as not to alter the taste of the cereal. For a simple and versatile product designed for a genuine breakfast in combination with drinks or vegetable yogurt and fresh fruit. Crunchy and light, they are a great way to start the day with the right energy.

Bio dedicated fatcory


farina di mais* 89%, sciroppo d'agave* 6%, sciroppo di mais* 4%, sale

The product may contain traces of : Gluten, Milk, Nuts, Sesame seeds, Soy.

Nutritional Facts
  • Kcal 369 kcal
  • Kj 1565 kJ
  • Fat 1 g
  • AGS 0,2 g
  • Carbohydrates 80 g
  • Sugars 8 g
  • Fibre 4 g
  • Proteins 8 g
  • Salt 1,5 g
  • Manganese 0 g
  • Phosphorus 0 g
  • Magnesium 0 g
  • VB6 0 g
  • Thiamine 0 g

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